About LifeAid?
Adrian Dryburgh
It is with an incredibly heavy heart that we have to announce, on 25 April 2022, founder and director of LifeAid Defibrillators, Adrian Dryburgh, sadly passed away after a short illness. We have a memoriam page dedicated to him, and whist Adrian leaves a hole that can never be filled, our tireless work to help save lives continues.
We know the importance
LifeAid is a family run business created following a cardiac arrest involving the brother in law of Mark Dryburgh – director.
We are passionate that no life should ever be lost due to the absence of life saving defibrillators.
For such a small investment businesses cannot be excused from failing to invest in this vital equipment.

A Track Record We’re Proud Of
We work tirelessly and invest heavily in informing organisations of our services, which are unique and designed to provide a seamless process of installing and maintaining defibrillators.
We have spent years developing a system which ensures we take care of every aspect of the defibrillators life to ensure defibs are safe and ready to use, protected against theft and vandalism and are monitored and maintained at all times.
We are the only supplier in the UK providing free damage and theft protection cover for internal defibrillators.
If you are considering defibrillators you should speak to us as our track record is second to none.